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Metabolic Mayhem

Mondays/Wednesdays 6:15 pm

Mad Metabolic Mayhem designed to improvement movement, metabolism, and motivation!

Small Group Personal Training including  High Intensity, Resistance, Cardio, Bodyweight, Intervals, and Tabatas.  Throw in some fun, and it's the perfect mix!

Super Circuit Saturday

Saturdays 9:00 am

Beat your personal best with this class based upon stations of cardio and resistance drills.  Use kettlebells, bosu trainers, suspension exercises, rip trainers, and much more.


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How much does Bootcamp cost?

Click here for price information


Do I have to be in top physical condition?

 Start with baby steps, progress beyond your       wildest imagination..  Every participant has       started as a beginner.


What if I have a prior injury or weakness?

By working in a small group with a personal     trainer, every exercise can be modified for           individual concerns.


What are the benefits?

Joining a group that has built friendship, trust, and social connections is an amazing way to succed and stay accountable to your goals, while providing in-class and outside-cliass fun!

Introducing the FitRanx System:

What is FitRanx?

FitRanx is a comprehensive and standardized ranking system used for gauging an individual's fitness level.  This is not based on how long you have been at a facility or how much your trainer thinks you have improved.  This is a REAL ranking system that took years to develop and perfect. 


How does FitRanx work?

Fitranx works through standardized fitness testing.  There are 8 FitRanx levels with colors that correspond to each level.  That means a Level 5 in Los Angeles has to complete the same requirements as a Level 5 in London.  The levels are as follows:

Our Revolutionary Fitness Ranking System keeps you motivated and gives you clear and specific goals to strive for, while ensuring that you are achieving balanced, full body fitness.  You get maximum results under the supervision of our qualified and professional Personal Fitness Coaches.


How do you progress? 

In order to progress, you must participate in a fitness test that uses specific exercises to determine strength.  There is also a conditioning portion required to advance through the levels. As you pass through the levels, you will receive a band of the corresponding level's color.

If your coach feels that progressing will put your health or your joints at risk, they will personalize a corrective exercises course for you to follow until you are able to move on.  There are 8 Levels with 3 Age Brackets and 2 Gender Brackets.  


More information to follow.......


Watch for our FitRanx for Kids Program coming soon.....



5.30 AM - 10.00 PM


5.30 AM - 9.00 PM


​7.00AM - 7.00PM



105 Edella Rd
S. Abington Twp, PA  18411

Tel: 570-585-4030




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